I think I know what's been going on inside your mind...
10 minutes until I start work. I could just turn around right now & drive away, far far away
The thought of Monday is already ruining my weekend & it's only Saturday morning :-(
Maybe I could retrain. Don't be silly, that will cost too much/take too long/is ridiculous
Am I doing a good enough job of looking interested? I'm so bored!
Why can't I just be happy? I'm ticking the right boxes. I'm so ungrateful
I'd leave, but I don't even know what I'd do instead, or if that would work out!
Sound familiar? Trust me when I say I know how you feel! You're in the right place, and here's how I can help:
Figure it Out A 6 Week Career Coaching Programme
During this programme I will support, guide and encourage you through:
- getting crystal clear on your personal values (the stuff you care about), your strengths (you already have lots of them) & how you want to live your life
- exploring career options that align with the above (imagine doing work that interests you & that you care about!!)
- developing confidence, working through uneasy feelings that can come with change, & developing your mindset so that you can become your own coach
- planning AND taking action -real steps forward, towards the career & life you want
- finding a way to be happier in your current role, if needed (i.e if it sucks your soul dry!), until you're in a position where you can move on to pastures new
- CV/application and interview preparation as needed (I've got nearly a decade of HR & Recruitment experience too)
Most importantly, you'll learn how to tune in to what's right for you (and how to get it), throughout the twists and turns of your career (and life) way after our coaching sessions have finished
This is for you if you're ready to:
Accept that you don't have to do a job that at best is a bit meh, and at worst makes you miserable
Create time and space in your life to get super clear on who you are & what's important to you. You need to be fully IN
Make real changes, at a pace that's right for you, so that you can be happy in your work & pursue a career that makes sense for who you are, as a whole human being
Do the work! Are you ready to commit to the process so that you can get the absolute best out of our time together?
And finally, to invest in yourself and your own happiness!
If you said a big fat YES to the above, then here's how it works:
This 6 week Figure it Out programme is all about, well, figuring it out! If you're committed, show up and do the work, then by the end of it I promise that you will be clear on your own values & the things you're both great at & love doing. You'll have all the information you need about one or more potential career paths that align with who you are & support the kind of lifestyle that's important to you; bringing you the career happiness you're looking for.
Plus, you'll walk away with a plan so that you can continue to move forward in just the right way for you. Depending on your circumstances & the level of change needed, you might even have started to take huge leaps towards this future!
All that stuff that's been swirling around in your head? All the questions, fears, opposing head & heart voices & all the "what ifs"? Together, we'll start unscrambling all of that, laying it out on the table to see clearly & tuning in to what your logic & intuition is telling you.
- X1 - Two hour coaching session so that we can get stuck in right away
- X5 - 70 minute - coaching sessions (depending on location & preference these can be face to face, over the phone, or on Skype/Zoom)
- A printable workbook to record some of your key disoveries, so that you can refer back to it & stay focussed on your goals during & beyond our coaching sessions
- A little bit of independent work - a lot of the magic happens in between sessions & I'll be sharing exercises and tasks which will further encourage reflection & a deeper level of exploration
- Research - I won't advise or tell you which career path is right for you (only you know that), but I will embark on your research journey with you. I love finding out all about different career options!
- E-mail support throughout - so that if you have any questions, worries or revelations you don't have to wait a whole week to talk them through
- I'll be sharing resources which might benefit you, as well as lots of encouragement, support & inspiration - I will be with you on this journey
Investment: £795 (can be paid in 2 installments at no extra charge)
You can expect a (flexible) structure which encompasses what I believe to be the most important elements in career happiness coaching (laid out at the top of this page).
There'll be lots of exploration, deeper level thinking & reflection - that means I'll be asking you some questions, really really listening to you, offering new perspectives & using some helpful tools & exercises to bring you clarity & direction.
I'm compassionate & kind in my approach, but I'll hold you accountable when you need me to, & I'll challenge you at times - always gently & always with the intention of moving you forwards - which is what coaching is all about really!
Often coachees feel ready, armed with their new found clarity, direction & purpose to move forwards themselves at this point & start putting their plans into place. But sometimes, big changes take a little longer than 6 weeks (sorry!) & we need a little extra support when it comes to taking action & navigating change. And because I know I personally so often wished I had ongoing support after my own initial coaching journey, I've created a lovely little offer so that you can receive just that.
Because I know your journey doesn't end after our 6 weeks coaching, you'll have the option to sign up for:
New Chapter 1-2-1 coaching: Discounted rate for entirely bespoke indiviual or block-booked follow on sessions, based on the level of change and the support needed to move into your chosen path. After all, you might have interviews to prepare for, confidence levels to build on, and exciting decisions to make!
These sessions can be spread out at intervals as needed, entirely dependent on your own coaching goals. This offer is only open to those who have completed the 6 week Figure it Out programme.
"As we began to work together and had our weekly sessions, I began to realise what was important to me, and what wasn’t. Each session was really interesting and whilst challenging (as how else is change made?) gave me the tools to help me make some decisions.
At the end of our coaching time, I came to a decision that I hadn’t even considered before at all, which was enlightening and if you’d have said at the beginning was one I would make would have surprised me, but was the absolute best thing for me at this time!
So thank you Carys, I recommend you and your services wholeheartedly. For anyone at a crossroads or uncertain as to which direction to go in, cannot hesitate to suggest you have a conversation with her first."